

  • Apple Developer account.
  • SwiftGen v6.0 or greater.
  • Xcode 15+
  • iOS 15+

Getting Started

  1. Install SwiftGen and run swiftgen.
  2. Open the Money.xcodeproj file.
  3. Set up Apple Developer account, change signing and entitlements based on your preferences.

We are always available to help you setting up the project. Please contact us if you are having trouble running the app in the simulator or on your iPhone.

Localization & Assets

Generate Localizable.strings, Assets.swift, etc. files using SwiftGen:


Live version

The app is available in the App Store. If you want to test the app before buying, then please request us a promo code.


You can see the general information of this project at money/wiki.

The full documentation is available at money/docs.